Our Products
What do we offer?
McDonough's complete line of board edgers ranges from some of the fastest optimized edger systems in the world to manual edgers and combination edgers for smaller sawmills everywhere. Our OptiFit linear edger has become the most popular edger system for modern hardwood sawmills based on its ability to deliver exceptional yield, short payback and long term durability based on our proven linear edger sawbox.
The Sterling YieldBoss Hybrid Edger by McDonough is made for mills looking for a combination of affordability and performance, resulting in higher yield and profit. No matter what you're looking for in an edger, McDonough has you covered.
The name McDonough is synonymous with band resaws and headrigs for the lumber industry. McDonough has a complete line of resaw choices and options including Linebar Resaws, Center Split Resaws, Twins, Quad and Horizontal Resaws, as well as a complete line of high speed infeeds, computerized setworks and operator cabs to fit your product and production needs. From design, engineering, manufacturing and installation, the professionals at McDonough are the choice for all your resaw needs.

Since 1888, McDonough has been known as the bandmill company in the lumber industry, that's why you see McDonough headrigs in more mills than any other brand. From 54" to 8', our double column air strain mills set the standard all others are compared to. With time tested standard features like our exclusive Air Strain system, cartridge type pressure guides, cast iron wheels, hydraulic wheel lifts, saw cleaning and lubrication and Timken railroad car bearings, the McDonough bandmill simply outlasts and out performs all others.

McDonough has a complete selection of gang edgers available to suit any sawmill of today. From the most rugged Curve Sawing Gang available to help you recover the most from your crooked hickory and white oak logs, to high speed thin-kerf gang solutions for your softwood mill, or a manually fed gang or combination edger to boost production, McDonough can design and build the exact gang sawing solution that you need.

McDonough Carriages are designed with accuracy and ease of maintenance in mind with state-of-the-art features you will only find on a McDonough. Models to fit your operation with 36", 42", and 48" openings and configured the way you need it with options like; round way knees, 17 degree slant, UHMW cant kickers, Brownsville turners, chain turners, Tong Dog, rail, operators cabs, carriage drives, and setworks. Before you replace or retrofit your carriage, call the professionals at McDonough, you'll be glad you did.

Material Handling
McDonough Manufacturing supplies the forest products industry with precision engineered and built material handling equipment of all types, for all applications. From simple lumber transfer decks to our MAXX Resaws Infeed, THE fastest linebar feed system for all brands of resaw, McDonough can supply all of your material handling needs. Whether it's the installation of new McDonough line, used McDonough or any other brand, your first call should be to the engineering professionals at McDonough Manufacturing to insure your machinery produces at its maximum potential.